X X XGG Ala Rose Oct 9, 2008 Hey sissy i miss ya cupcake!!! so yea i think my friend totally took off with my computer!!!! so yea sucky big time sucky... loves ya sista
Hey sissy i miss ya cupcake!!! so yea i think my friend totally took off with my computer!!!! so yea sucky big time sucky... loves ya sista
SYN PLAGUE Oct 7, 2008 Me? Live on a farm???? no way lol. we were just kidding because I live in the south ha ha.
S S SYN iNSANiTY Sep 30, 2008 i just finished watchin rambo and its the ****. its so intense that i might even make my gamer tag picture rambo.
i just finished watchin rambo and its the ****. its so intense that i might even make my gamer tag picture rambo.
S S SYN iNSANiTY Sep 30, 2008 wow i spent like 3 hours wondering why my xbox wount work. i asked my friend if his worked and he said yes and then i called xbox support and they informed me that im a retard that doesnt pay atention to things and that xbox is offline for the 29th.
wow i spent like 3 hours wondering why my xbox wount work. i asked my friend if his worked and he said yes and then i called xbox support and they informed me that im a retard that doesnt pay atention to things and that xbox is offline for the 29th.