KoG STEALTH Jan 21, 2011 I dont care earthier witch way it is. But if i had to pick i guess i would go with the black.
KoG Lycos Jan 20, 2011 LOL, Then I bet you're having a field day with those teal multimedia guys eh? Glad to have a color that piques your interest
LOL, Then I bet you're having a field day with those teal multimedia guys eh? Glad to have a color that piques your interest
K K KoG xFATHOMx Jan 19, 2011 Nah brah, got a **** ton of studying/assignments to do. Posting here and on Facebook in between courses lol
Nah brah, got a **** ton of studying/assignments to do. Posting here and on Facebook in between courses lol
KoG Lycos Jan 19, 2011 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...You should have a red fetish, there's plenty more of those guys than there are of the admins...
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...You should have a red fetish, there's plenty more of those guys than there are of the admins...