I I I Legiit Ninja Sep 7, 2010 i was gonna talk to him about it tonight after the meeting cause he hasnt been able to get on
SYN HighLite Sep 7, 2010 lol its a bomb game give it a try sometime on the demo its quite entertaining haha
K K KoG xFATHOMx Sep 7, 2010 And if you live in Newfoundland you could get legally smashed this year!
SYN HighLite Sep 7, 2010 Happy birthday! how does it feel to have a birthday the same day that one of the greatest nhl games comes out? lol
Happy birthday! how does it feel to have a birthday the same day that one of the greatest nhl games comes out? lol
K K KoG xFATHOMx Sep 7, 2010 ITS MAH BIRFDAY AND I"LL CRY IF I WANT TO! CRY IF I WANT TO! YOU WOULD CRY TOO IF IT HAPPENED TO YOU!!!! na na na na na na! Happy Birthday! And 5 bucks if you can name the song ^
ITS MAH BIRFDAY AND I"LL CRY IF I WANT TO! CRY IF I WANT TO! YOU WOULD CRY TOO IF IT HAPPENED TO YOU!!!! na na na na na na! Happy Birthday! And 5 bucks if you can name the song ^