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  • Have you ever been addicted to something?
    It's beyond self control. GOSH, YOU'RE SO INCONSIDERATE!
    Forget the party! I'll just go out for Chinese.
    I'm ordering this.
    Chicken with a Cow Hat can't have Coca-Cola...
    He use to be a Coca-Colaholic so I'm not bringing that to the party.
    You should be more considerate, FaceUp!
    Yep! Partyin'! All my friends are here!
    Piddles, Peaches, Stuffed Animal Puppy, Teddy Bear, Baby Chicken with a Cow Hat...
    I may not be able to hide from the truth but I can beat the truth up and threaten to kill the truth's family if it tell anyone what happened.
    Whaaaat? I fell asleep in the party??
    I remember I was about to turn off the Xbox and bid you two a good night and then.. I guess that didn't end up happening.
    Wow, I feel... Really lame.
    Don't stay up till 7. What the whaaaat. That's terrible, you ham.
    What happened last night? I don't remember anything but the turkey noises.
    When did you go to sleep? Nerd.
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