It's just that I saw you online and your KoG and I wanted to get this fella together while he's interested and I can't seem to find anyone online on live atm to help, so I came to the fourms and saw your online and KoG.
Hey. I'm a XGC Proximity Lt. and I have a recruit for KoG, he's 11 years old and I'm trying to bring him in and need help. I have KoG Cafilka on my friends list but he's away at the moment. Appreciated your immediate help.
hi my name is dustin n i would like to sign up 4 xgc on ps3 i was apart of XGC on xbox i got recrutied by XGC Big Daddy n i was told to get ahold of u if u r from the US ploz let me know cuz i dont have a mic 4 the ps3 but u can txt me if thats ok or call lol what ever is easyer just let me know thanx. but just so u know my gamertag is Liltipsynsmokey