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  • here ya go, let me know if you like it and i will have it uploaded.

    ok im working on your banner, ive got ace and halo reach incorporated in the scenes. how would you like the wording. would you like them to fade in and out or be present while the scenes are playing in the background
    He didn't? Ok I'm gona see wats up. He said he got it done, maybe something went wrong. Ill figure out why it didn't send bro.
    Sorry man its been taking a long time, are you going to be on the box tonight around 5pm eastern tonight, if so i will hit you up and chat to you about it!
    I've asked Legion too, but I was sending my possible GT change for your approval: XGC EXiLED. If that's taken, then XGC Visionary or XGC MASHED
    hey fleet your guy that you wanted me to get up with is approved. put him in your clan. Amnesty is over though so he will be your last one but you got up with me before sunday so he is good.
    Oh ok haha. yeah just finished talking it over with lokii a few hours ago. it seems he was gone due to a stroke his mother had, but now he will be more around. I will finish up with OGTnT tomoroow and that'll be it.
    Yo fleet i talked to everyone already about (you know what) and i got one person left to talk to. It the new guy OGTnT. i will talk to him tomorrow and that'll will be the last guy so almost done. Plus just got new wireless adapter and it works great, will be on more often to play with the fellas.
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