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  • Hey Foxy!! Hey I just wanted to let ya know that Ive decided to go help a friend of mine who has a community as well. He is trying to run the place all himself and could really use my help. You have all been very sweet to me so I hope this doesnt affect my chances of returning in the future. Thanks for all your help!! Hit me up on Skype if ya need to get a hold of me for whatever reason at all !! My Skype is KamikazeKuddlez, 1st K and 3rd K are caps lol. Take care !! :)
    Guess the story would help huh.. while stationed Okinawa, I was on guard duty and we have to patrol the back fence to our camp. It isn't a very long hike but the terrain does get a little tricky to navigate. Some places you have to traverse up and down some cliffs or take a longer path around. We chose the cliffs. My friend descended first while I secured our lines so when we reached the bottom and checked the fence and grating for the river I decided to climb up first. Of all the areas to pick I came up face to face with a big yellow spider all fangs and legs. His black little eyes staring me down. Well scared ****less I had grabbed for it with the hand I was holding my weight with, I fell off the cliff 20ft down before the line held and my buddy helped slow my decent. Well turns out it wasn't that big after all just about 2" long not counting the legs. It was just a Yellow Orb spider.
    I happen to have a similar story, minus the screaming like a little girl.. and the whole washing of close.. ok well maybe not so similar after all. Actually nothing alike at all considering yours involved snakes and mine a spider.. so basically its just the surprise aspect that's the same..
    So moral of the story is load a dryer up with snakes and watch the pretty foreign lady air dry her unmentionables?
    OH!! and yes I am a 360 player. Unfortunantly at the moment I feel naked because my live is out until the 15th or so lol.
    Lol Thanks for all the info. I am definantly over 18. Ive got two kids and lust left a community that I was one of the founders and leaders of, so I'm fairly aware of rules and so forth. I was actually wanting to join the design team if it was posssible because I make banners and sigs and all that fun stuff myself as well. Also, let me know If I need to be in the ranks or if I can work to be on the design team. Thanks for all youyr help hun!!!
    Hello, I would like to set up a game night. Would you like to help me? I know that may be your thing or ours, what do you think?
    hahaha ok ok good point. Wouldn't want you distracted while we are enjoying the Outback. You may get us lost, God forbid I get trapped out there for a night or two with you. What torture lol.
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