The Big Tickett Oct 20, 2009 I'll do that now. It will take like 2 minutes. I'll tell you when it is done.
R R RoG KNIGHT DG Oct 19, 2009 nothing much community i merged with merged with RoG so im back were i started im going to add you on the box maybe we can play a game or 2
nothing much community i merged with merged with RoG so im back were i started im going to add you on the box maybe we can play a game or 2
Wicked 7 Oct 17, 2009 hey can u post the request in my forums i couldnt really hear what you guys wanted last night
The Big Tickett Oct 16, 2009 Oh yea, I meant to ask you, what do you mean about the yellow and blue dots?
Wicked 7 Oct 15, 2009 Your sig is done pick it up here
Your sig is done pick it up here
Wicked 7 Oct 14, 2009 ok sry about that like i said tho there supposed to be going back to school tomorrow so i should be able to do requests again
ok sry about that like i said tho there supposed to be going back to school tomorrow so i should be able to do requests again
Wicked 7 Oct 14, 2009 just hadnt had a chance my sis have been home from school supposedly sick and completely taking over the pc if you want i can still work on it tomorrow tho they are supposed to be going back to school tomorrow
just hadnt had a chance my sis have been home from school supposedly sick and completely taking over the pc if you want i can still work on it tomorrow tho they are supposed to be going back to school tomorrow