The Big Tickett Oct 11, 2010 hey donkey lookin ehhh. Do people say those retarded things around your area. Trying to say a** but they say ehhh. Hot banner at the bottom of your page?
hey donkey lookin ehhh. Do people say those retarded things around your area. Trying to say a** but they say ehhh. Hot banner at the bottom of your page?
The Big Tickett Oct 8, 2010 hey donkey lookin ehhh. Do people say those retarded things around your area. Trying to say a** but they say ehhh.
hey donkey lookin ehhh. Do people say those retarded things around your area. Trying to say a** but they say ehhh.
The Big Tickett Oct 6, 2010 your message got deleted before I could read it. Some forum god or something deleted it lol.
Rave Oct 4, 2010 this stinks i have to do a project for statistics which is due wensday... also whats new?