K K KoG ExtraChedda Oct 8, 2016 Good man about too take over kog rev for nervo picking up the general spot sry for the late response ive been moving too a new place so i havent been as active as i would like
Good man about too take over kog rev for nervo picking up the general spot sry for the late response ive been moving too a new place so i havent been as active as i would like
XGC ForeHead Oct 5, 2016 Lots I play destiny rainbow six siege black ops three gears of war rocket league ark and more
XGC Bradshaw90 Oct 3, 2016 haha i dont even know brother, life has been crazy, if i do decide to come back ill let you know! i didnt even know you were back to XGC!
haha i dont even know brother, life has been crazy, if i do decide to come back ill let you know! i didnt even know you were back to XGC!
J J JBat13 Sep 29, 2016 Doing alright just working through things while stuck trying to work long hours.