X X XGC Next Agee Aug 27, 2010 Not sure man i have not seen he has been allowed back but i will hit him up and find out
K K KoG Concussed Aug 27, 2010 u playing conquer? lol i accidently ended up in a guild named Knights of Gsumpin sumpin lol at least its not really a clan or gaming community
u playing conquer? lol i accidently ended up in a guild named Knights of Gsumpin sumpin lol at least its not really a clan or gaming community
K K KoG Concussed Aug 27, 2010 what am i doing with what? i was makin that and now im bored... and do you think i can improve the banner
what am i doing with what? i was makin that and now im bored... and do you think i can improve the banner
K K KoG Concussed Aug 27, 2010 Yay killin tyme is back i think cus everything is back on his user profile
F F FoCus Aug 26, 2010 lol thats not the point. its an example of darkening the edges. for your sig though, dont darken it too much
lol thats not the point. its an example of darkening the edges. for your sig though, dont darken it too much
F F FoCus Aug 26, 2010 well heres a way of the it in a similar way, make a new layer, get a soft brush and put its opacity down. make it black and cover the edge of the sig with darker areas
well heres a way of the it in a similar way, make a new layer, get a soft brush and put its opacity down. make it black and cover the edge of the sig with darker areas
K K KoG Concussed Aug 25, 2010 i might get off in a bit but im finishing a few quests so if you can get on soon alright..... name your character KoGHydrogen
i might get off in a bit but im finishing a few quests so if you can get on soon alright..... name your character KoGHydrogen
K K KoG Concussed Aug 25, 2010 yep and wen u make a new account and download it.... go to constelations and then gemini... u will know wen u get there
yep and wen u make a new account and download it.... go to constelations and then gemini... u will know wen u get there