F F Fillyy Jun 28, 2010 I was thinking "The Youngin's" but whatever you want is cool. If you want to play halo and practice I got 2 people we can face right now.
I was thinking "The Youngin's" but whatever you want is cool. If you want to play halo and practice I got 2 people we can face right now.
K K KoG Muffin Jun 26, 2010 I wanted to know if you could give me an evaluation on how ive benn doing
R R Retuned meercat Jun 19, 2010 how long dose it usely take to join i put my reson in then your gamertag
K K KoG xFATHOMx Jun 18, 2010 Thanks. We haven't played just yet, but hopefully soon!. And hey fella, anytime you want to play WaW hit me up!
Thanks. We haven't played just yet, but hopefully soon!. And hey fella, anytime you want to play WaW hit me up!