KoG Lycos
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  • I been in that area several times. You don't live close to people do you? I live close to people but we just moved about 4 months ago and it is pretty quiet here now. I know the news is funny because they always say there is gonna be rain, then you look out your window and its clear and a very hot day. I am like really, you told me last night it was going to be all cloudy and rainy. I never been to Knotts before. I have an ex boyfriend that works there and he did that Halloween thing there and everything. I just never been there before. I only been to that famous restaurant they have but I can not remember what its called at the moment. They are like famous for their chicken. Lol.
    Yeah I remember the storms in August, I like that kind of weather. I moved out to Iowa for like a year and a half and they have pretty crazy storms. It was like a light switch flicking on and off it was crazy. You live close to me, well kinda. I live in Riverside, but it seems like here the weather is cold one day and then the next your sweating and the next door neighbor is sick because of it.
    Haha true and it is where you started. But errr battlefield just frustrates me when I play. Life's been going good, just working living....waiting for destiny to be released ;)
    We do need rain in California. What I am hearing from the news we are going to get some this weekend. You live in the desert? I bet it is extremely hot out there because here in the valley it is pretty hot on some days and then on others it gets really cold. The weather out here some days is so bipolar it drives me crazy. Lol.
    Haha well I might get BF4 again at some point of time, and give it another try.
    I mainly play ghosts and bo2, so if you ever wanna play when I'm online, hit me up. I'll show you how it's done (because you know girls rule ;) )!
    Haha are you serious??? You're insane! I hated it at first, but I like it now! See, I use a honey badger (following esports rules), and hate when people use thermals. I played battlefield for a week, and returned it lol 'twas horrible!
    Haha what a stalker!!!! He should get some help for that :p
    Battlefield 4??? Come on man, ghosts is where it's at!
    And yes I did do a clan split: SYN Undead. They are doing great, and just did a soft split to Xiled Kings. Proud of both the generals over the two. They have done a great job!
    Haha well I typically try to refrain from bugging people, so no worries there!
    Everything is good over here, hoping to do another clan split soon. How's KoG??
    I love rock! Seether is one of my favorite bands along with: Breaking Benjamin, Rise Against, Three Days Grace, etc., and thanks for sharing that song! I now have a new song to add to my playlist lol
    Lol yeah I have a lot a patience.. though it doesn't help much my sigs are still really bad .. gettin there though..

    yeah i can see the heat being a problem but man id be rock climbing biking ATVing the possibilities are limitless.. i grew up next to a farm in NE Pennsylvania so between cliff diving and dirt biking i'd always be doing something to get a rush..

    n yeah, the depth perception is an awesome skill but not one i really wanted to learn at the time lol..
    very nice.. & yeah bro i hate driving in the city.. its just the city itself that is soo much fun, least at my age lol the bars the parties the vast amount of new faces and new people to meet. it's all just exciting :)

    As for your Home, yeah my depth perception is pretty good.. imagine driving an Army hummvee at night for 6 months wearing NVGs.. world worst best invention ever! lol. but the scenery is amazing! i bet you do a lot outside. hell if i were out there i'd never come in.

    Can't wait to see the new avatar. im slowly getting into designing myself just doing Sigs but im nowhere near your level of Designing yet lol =]
    Lol love the avatar with the coach going super sayin.. [obviously no clue how to spell that]
    Looks beautiful man. yeah i was never into the city life until i hit my 20s.. lol then i couldn't stay away!
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