I know everyone wants to be like me and thats OK> Deadeye is a cool name i met a chick online the other day with the gamer tag Deadeye Chic. I am OK with people wanting to be like me. LOL
When your the best. Keep it cool and see you on the box.
Hey Deadeye, you wanna be awesome and unban me so I can check out Aftershock's forums? I'm really curious to see what they look like... It's been so long since I've seen them. I won't post or anything, I just want to see it.
yea its funny the whole time i was thinking whats gonna happen to the big three i guess we all couldnt be promoted at once though. lol in time im sure we will be united again. haha
Bio is he giving you crap for using the mauler that is on the map...he gives me that crap all the time.
oh and d3adeye where were you tonight blackjack and i had a good team going and i was not going negative
Ok, well I have the message and request in my inbox still. I'm not mad at u guys or anything, nor was I blaming anyone. I was just confused. I'll cancel the request
Asap. Idk how this happened but, hopefully it won't happen again.
hey what up mr. dead3ye is it turkey hunting season in south carolina for you peoples yet. It just started this april for us minnesota folks. got 2 of them today