Thats awesome. Do you ever go to any raves or anything? I just went to a 3-day here in WA called Paradiso. Btw, I want your crown on the singles ladder so let me know when your down to challenge.
Yeah no problem man. I am not sure when I will be on today. It is my wifes day off so we will be chillin with the fam. But I will be online probably at night. If I see you on we can get some games in.
What's the kid's Gamertag? I will forward his name to one of our Generals. Is he over the age of 13? What does the recruit play more Black Ops II? If so, core or hardcore game types?
Ill see what I can do tonight. My computer keeps fighting me, so I haven't been feeling up for it. There's a few things I need to make, but ill try yours first.