XGC TINK Aug 20, 2012 Hot! Went to the beach the other day and now I have a sunburn ! How is it over there?
XGC TINK Aug 18, 2012 Till Spring 2014. Then I'll get my Bachelor's. Then I start my Master's program
S S SYN Jerriel Aug 15, 2012 I cant tell if you mean busted by my comment or by 007's comment on my profile lol. Both are still funny
I cant tell if you mean busted by my comment or by 007's comment on my profile lol. Both are still funny
S S SYN Jerriel Aug 15, 2012 Stealth you should feel like a noob because you are a noob. My Old Friend
XGC TINK Aug 12, 2012 Boring! Haven't done too much. Just work so I can afford to go to school :/. It's a sad existence sometimes
Boring! Haven't done too much. Just work so I can afford to go to school :/. It's a sad existence sometimes
XGC Journey XS Aug 10, 2012 Yeh I know even the first one was amazing at it was for the original Xbox.
XGC Journey XS Aug 9, 2012 I do not like halo lol {sorry } and I have like the original forza. I want 4 though