K K KoG Rex Feb 29, 2012 sorry had to get off mid game i had some issues at home rain check on that snipers?
F F Flippy Dippie Feb 28, 2012 Just to let you know I asked XGC Kraze to leave the usergroup but I just wanted to make sure he was out of it. I guess he left. His gamertag now is KrAzE NoMad maybe that was in there. Just thought I should let you know.
Just to let you know I asked XGC Kraze to leave the usergroup but I just wanted to make sure he was out of it. I guess he left. His gamertag now is KrAzE NoMad maybe that was in there. Just thought I should let you know.
X X XGC RIFL3 Feb 26, 2012 I see you play Reach, so will you please sign up for the halo 1v1 ladder on clan compete please =]