S S S3NOR1TA Jun 12, 2009 sorry i missed you the other day while online...when i get into rockband it's hard to concentrate on anything else. lol.
sorry i missed you the other day while online...when i get into rockband it's hard to concentrate on anything else. lol.
CH HAWKEYE Jun 5, 2009 Hey did you decide who to give those clans to? Just PM me the the list and I will update it.
K K KoG Apostle Jun 1, 2009 Congrats on XG KoG STEALTH XD....................................good job
XGC HYLANDER XC May 18, 2009 Your not alone in that assement. If it is XG related feel free to hit me up if you need help.
K K KemikalElite May 1, 2009 I thought Generals had Moderator Powers over their clan's forums? Such as able to delete posts or at least make sticky posts?
I thought Generals had Moderator Powers over their clan's forums? Such as able to delete posts or at least make sticky posts?