K K KoG KaYotiC Feb 23, 2009 i live in Vacaville, its like 45mins away from Sacramento where do you live?
X X xX NiJiiJn Xx Feb 23, 2009 ware the hell have u been i haveent talked to u in awile JK thanks u STEALTH
R R RGC AlphaGravy Feb 6, 2009 i remeber my days here , only mist was retrded ,i should have gone to ur guys clan bc mist was bad bc he wouldnt demote a capt who never did anything... why? bc mist was butt buddies with the guy
i remeber my days here , only mist was retrded ,i should have gone to ur guys clan bc mist was bad bc he wouldnt demote a capt who never did anything... why? bc mist was butt buddies with the guy
XGC Twitty XD Jan 26, 2009 Yeah me too. It's getting really chilly again at night though so I gotta keep ma feets warm Thank god it doesn't snow over here or I'd be a wreck lol
Yeah me too. It's getting really chilly again at night though so I gotta keep ma feets warm Thank god it doesn't snow over here or I'd be a wreck lol
K K KoG Lumbajjjj Jan 24, 2009 i figured it out but i still cant figure out the sig ill get someone to do it for me
KoG BlackRazor Jan 24, 2009 hey stealth ill be on for the sunday metting this weekend, i dont work at all this weekend XD