S S SYN Chhaam Dec 12, 2011 I REMEMBERED!!!!!!!!!!!!! DDDD ok so if i were to request a SYN gamertag i could choose SYN Chhaam right?
I REMEMBERED!!!!!!!!!!!!! DDDD ok so if i were to request a SYN gamertag i could choose SYN Chhaam right?
S S SYN Chhaam Dec 12, 2011 i just spent 10 min trying to find you and now i cant remember what the hell i was going to ask lol
S S SYN Rambo Dec 8, 2011 hey hmu on xbox i think you deleted me when i went inactive but send me a request this weekend and we'll game
hey hmu on xbox i think you deleted me when i went inactive but send me a request this weekend and we'll game
S S SYN xRuin Dec 7, 2011 i swear you have to go to rehab for using that tongue face so much. Youre addicted to it lol jk. We need a clan intervention for you lol jk
i swear you have to go to rehab for using that tongue face so much. Youre addicted to it lol jk. We need a clan intervention for you lol jk