Hey, there should be room on my FR list on the box, go ahead and add me, if there is no room just send me a msg and i will make room, i will be on almost all day every day this week and we can work on those spec ops missions if you want.
Nice one no not yet, but we have been sorting out a battel with a SYN Clan, some time next week, so if you hear of any one wish to team battel, send our way AMBASSADOR ready, how you doing in COLDFIRE
not much man. how u doin? been a while. it wont let me on the coldfire forums. dont know when ill be back on. lol workin on my truck. finally got a bagged truck. 02 s10 extreme ext cab on 20s. its not bad but the idiots took the heat out so now i gotta put it back in for my kid. holla at me some time. peace.