F F FaceUp Jan 6, 2013 Sounds like a plan. Aries was needing to talk to you too. Not sure if he has yet.
KoG Lou Nov 16, 2012 No Prob! Im doing good, just playing some Skyrim, started a new character for the DLC and also getting back into Halo 4. How are you doing?
No Prob! Im doing good, just playing some Skyrim, started a new character for the DLC and also getting back into Halo 4. How are you doing?
KoG Lou Nov 15, 2012 Here you go Fathom! https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/531127_10151320644550152_934164222_n.jpg
Here you go Fathom! https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/531127_10151320644550152_934164222_n.jpg