The Big Tickett Feb 11, 2010 Haha, that is cool. Kyle made it, and like two minutes later I got promoted and made him change it
KoG xXHerbManXx Feb 10, 2010 What's up man. Not much here just been hanging.. ill be back in action around April so ill catch yah then
What's up man. Not much here just been hanging.. ill be back in action around April so ill catch yah then
KoG Unstable Feb 6, 2010 Don't tell your overlord, but I might just come play Halo with you guys sometime. (Not in a public match though, I wouldn't want to negatively affect your ability to recruit!)
Don't tell your overlord, but I might just come play Halo with you guys sometime. (Not in a public match though, I wouldn't want to negatively affect your ability to recruit!)
KoG Unstable Feb 6, 2010 I know, and the worst part is I didn't get home until after 3am. Afternoon nap, here I come!
KoG SiMpLeX Feb 5, 2010 yes i am enjoying the community it is a very good community and i am very happy to be apart of that community!
yes i am enjoying the community it is a very good community and i am very happy to be apart of that community!