The Big Tickett Oct 15, 2009 Yea, same here. I am doing a project right now. I'll be on the box soon.
KoG xXHerbManXx Oct 15, 2009 going pretty good, cant complain!! got some really big news im gonna drop at the next Gen's meeting
The Big Tickett Oct 13, 2009 Take it. I'll put your name on it if you want I don't care. Do you haz Reconz?!?!
K K KoG Carbine Oct 10, 2009 Yo,Fathom,I don't know if you did it but I know I am not in KoG anymore but that doesn't mean I can't access the KoG Forums.Could you tell someone to let me have access again?
Yo,Fathom,I don't know if you did it but I know I am not in KoG anymore but that doesn't mean I can't access the KoG Forums.Could you tell someone to let me have access again?