F F FaceUp Aug 11, 2011 Rex said, "Fathom is looking down upon us smiling." FaceUp said, "He isn't dead!"
F F FaceUp Aug 8, 2011 No more red username, sad panda. You should fix your GamerTag on your profile. --->
F F FaceUp Aug 7, 2011 Great job on getting offline when we were supposed to play some GTA IV TBoGt! I went to grab a bite to eat and you were gone.
Great job on getting offline when we were supposed to play some GTA IV TBoGt! I went to grab a bite to eat and you were gone.
F F FaceUp Aug 4, 2011 http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=21282064&player=MLG%20Gametypes