X X XGC StoopKid XD Aug 13, 2009 im sorry i was haveing a bad night last night and didnt want to take it out on anyone so i left sorry again
im sorry i was haveing a bad night last night and didnt want to take it out on anyone so i left sorry again
E E Emo Zorro Aug 11, 2009 Im in your avenged sevenfold social group. Rock on man. Any fan of A7X is the Sh!T
X X XGC StoopKid XD Aug 11, 2009 lol u need to play more then just halo 3 because trixi and me play more cod4 then halo 3 so u should get it
lol u need to play more then just halo 3 because trixi and me play more cod4 then halo 3 so u should get it
o triXi o Aug 11, 2009 Hey! We need to play Halo again.. That is if I can get on at a decent hour. Wished you would've joined our party last night!
Hey! We need to play Halo again.. That is if I can get on at a decent hour. Wished you would've joined our party last night!
X X XGC StoopKid XD Aug 10, 2009 hey what up sorry about last night i wasnt feeling halo 3 so i went and played some cod4
F F fittedwingz Aug 7, 2009 http://www.comedycentral.com/videos/index.jhtml?videoId=241125&title=celebrity-video-tommy-chong-vs. by far the funnyest thing ever shown on tv
http://www.comedycentral.com/videos/index.jhtml?videoId=241125&title=celebrity-video-tommy-chong-vs. by far the funnyest thing ever shown on tv
C C CG Bunny Aug 7, 2009 Thats what happened to me up stairs. Hy. sent message he got on XBox somewhere that they know they have a problem and are working on it.
Thats what happened to me up stairs. Hy. sent message he got on XBox somewhere that they know they have a problem and are working on it.
C C CG Bunny Aug 7, 2009 Crashed I guess. My screen froze up but I could still hear my party. When I signed off I couldn't get back on line. I checked my box up stairs got one game in and then it went down too. Weird.
Crashed I guess. My screen froze up but I could still hear my party. When I signed off I couldn't get back on line. I checked my box up stairs got one game in and then it went down too. Weird.
C C CG Bunny Aug 7, 2009 No, I thing XBox Crashed for most people, only 7 people on line on my friends list. There was 39
X X XGC KnightWind Aug 3, 2009 Hiya Lawlz I was bored last night and was making things sigs and such tell me what you think of this one :) http://i651.photobucket.com/albums/uu237/XGC_Lucivar/Tempus.gif
Hiya Lawlz I was bored last night and was making things sigs and such tell me what you think of this one :) http://i651.photobucket.com/albums/uu237/XGC_Lucivar/Tempus.gif