T T Truly Humble Nov 14, 2009 no we really do not have many people, but we shall progress. Look buddy I am leaving to go to my neice's birthday party. We, will talk later thanks
no we really do not have many people, but we shall progress. Look buddy I am leaving to go to my neice's birthday party. We, will talk later thanks
TRu GALIA Nov 14, 2009 Go ahead and request to change your name again and then I can change it for you.
The Big Tickett Nov 14, 2009 I have been playing Modern Warfare 2 a lot. It is fun but makes me so mad because I get so frustrated lol.
I have been playing Modern Warfare 2 a lot. It is fun but makes me so mad because I get so frustrated lol.
N N N3 Slayer Nov 14, 2009 Dude, theyre not old school, their fist album was 2001, theyre one of the best today, and a way to get away from all the hip-hop, pop, and rap stuff that annoys me
Dude, theyre not old school, their fist album was 2001, theyre one of the best today, and a way to get away from all the hip-hop, pop, and rap stuff that annoys me
N N N3 Slayer Nov 14, 2009 Ya i really like it plus it goes with "New Divide" also Divide is just a cool word, unless theres math envolved
Ya i really like it plus it goes with "New Divide" also Divide is just a cool word, unless theres math envolved
N N N3 Slayer Nov 14, 2009 8's thats it, and come on! why does everyone hate KoG Str33t Soldier??? i also really like KoG Divide its original and cool
8's thats it, and come on! why does everyone hate KoG Str33t Soldier??? i also really like KoG Divide its original and cool