xSteelx303 Mar 13, 2012 Hey man just wanted to give you a heads up that I need a graphic done for the interview with SYN Phantom XD. Thanks.
Hey man just wanted to give you a heads up that I need a graphic done for the interview with SYN Phantom XD. Thanks.
Jupiter Mar 11, 2012 oh well i need to get with u about the meeting so let me know when is a good time for you
S S Sicafoose Mar 9, 2012 yeah sorry about the short party thing im letting my supervisor use my xbox for watching a movie and i dont want to be talking while he watches it. but when im back home it all be good lol
yeah sorry about the short party thing im letting my supervisor use my xbox for watching a movie and i dont want to be talking while he watches it. but when im back home it all be good lol
XGC Radioactive Mar 8, 2012 can you read what my post said? if not, this has been going on for hundreds and hundreds of years.