Jupiter Feb 19, 2012 wow rave actually posted in the forums xD you should post in those older games that i brought over to the clan forums?
wow rave actually posted in the forums xD you should post in those older games that i brought over to the clan forums?
S S Sicafoose Feb 17, 2012 Yo, it was fun playing some dead island with you guys, sorry had to get off, get food before the chow hall closed now im going to take a nap before we get alerted we got a long day of work ahead of us today lol. TTyl
Yo, it was fun playing some dead island with you guys, sorry had to get off, get food before the chow hall closed now im going to take a nap before we get alerted we got a long day of work ahead of us today lol. TTyl
Jupiter Feb 16, 2012 on ps3 not at all from what i read, for 360 im not sure.. ive seen people say that there was but since it happened to mine then idk? =/
on ps3 not at all from what i read, for 360 im not sure.. ive seen people say that there was but since it happened to mine then idk? =/
Jupiter Feb 16, 2012 bahhhh so i looked into seeing why my dead island file got corrupted & it apparently happens a lot.
D D Devildog Cipher Feb 10, 2012 http://acecombatskies.com/topic/1281-flight-emblems-galleryrequest/page__st__200
Jupiter Feb 9, 2012 I wound up redoing my entire computer set up lol^.^ im just now starting to clean