K K KoG Big Cat May 26, 2011 OMG YES. http://files.turbosquid.com/Preview/2010/12/17__11_55_21/goat_render.jpg7e264aa6-cc3e-4a95-a65c-d6f9691b9e31Large.jpg
OMG YES. http://files.turbosquid.com/Preview/2010/12/17__11_55_21/goat_render.jpg7e264aa6-cc3e-4a95-a65c-d6f9691b9e31Large.jpg
C C CGE BioNexus CA May 25, 2011 i think someone hit our site but meh i havent really had the time to worry bout it other then that the group of us that over there are still good
i think someone hit our site but meh i havent really had the time to worry bout it other then that the group of us that over there are still good
S S SYN IMPULSEz XS May 25, 2011 hey rave can you look at something for me http://s1092.photobucket.com/albums/i413/SYN_IMPU1SE/?action=view¤t=harrypottersig1.png
hey rave can you look at something for me http://s1092.photobucket.com/albums/i413/SYN_IMPU1SE/?action=view¤t=harrypottersig1.png
C C CGE BioNexus CA May 24, 2011 haha its all good no hate from my end and im well my friend workin way 2much but money in the banks always a good thing hows Vendetta and KoG doing!
haha its all good no hate from my end and im well my friend workin way 2much but money in the banks always a good thing hows Vendetta and KoG doing!
XGC MOTO May 22, 2011 whats up bud, just wondering if you were able to take a shot at that banner i was asking about... if not its cool, just let me know.
whats up bud, just wondering if you were able to take a shot at that banner i was asking about... if not its cool, just let me know.
X X XGC xBUSTAx May 22, 2011 lol yeah i got it...sorry for not responding back, i was getting alot of renders and C4D's working on a sig now =)
lol yeah i got it...sorry for not responding back, i was getting alot of renders and C4D's working on a sig now =)
X X XGC xBUSTAx May 22, 2011 i have a problem =/ i cant log into planetrenders.net says this when i log in: Warning your browser does not accept script's cookies
i have a problem =/ i cant log into planetrenders.net says this when i log in: Warning your browser does not accept script's cookies
K K KoG Romeo May 20, 2011 Love ya man...no **** of course. When I get the chance I'll send you a picture of my brother pulling his Sargent into safety in middle of a gun fight in Kuwait.
Love ya man...no **** of course. When I get the chance I'll send you a picture of my brother pulling his Sargent into safety in middle of a gun fight in Kuwait.
K K KoG Romeo May 20, 2011 So I guess...its your turn to do my signature. as Icarus hasn't done it yet =p
KoG Enforcer XD May 19, 2011 well then yes, if you can do that for me I would be even more gratefull to you. and I will owe you one!
well then yes, if you can do that for me I would be even more gratefull to you. and I will owe you one!
KoG Enforcer XD May 19, 2011 I would really like to learn how to do it myself. Are you going to be on tonight after 12 am central?
I would really like to learn how to do it myself. Are you going to be on tonight after 12 am central?