S S Snyder GFX Feb 27, 2011 this is another great one http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=signature%20tutorial&order=9&offset=24&offset=24#/d1n4cbn
this is another great one http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=signature%20tutorial&order=9&offset=24&offset=24#/d1n4cbn
J J JSkely Feb 27, 2011 Nothin' really. My internet stopped being retarded so now I can post on the website and do clan stuff again lol.
Nothin' really. My internet stopped being retarded so now I can post on the website and do clan stuff again lol.
J J JimmyKuddo Feb 26, 2011 I was away from the internet for 18 days. My 360's are still being borrowed. Anyway, It's good to be back, & I got some catching up to do with people. Toodles!
I was away from the internet for 18 days. My 360's are still being borrowed. Anyway, It's good to be back, & I got some catching up to do with people. Toodles!
J J JimmyKuddo Feb 25, 2011 Guess who's back? Now if I could only get a 360, a copy of Reach & play online. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Guess who's back? Now if I could only get a 360, a copy of Reach & play online. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.