K K KiD DMND Feb 11, 2009 yes i did u goood and i like good thing Plz do it (and are u a Teaem Leader?)
S S SYN Jerriel Feb 10, 2009 yea i am doing one of them. The "cant Live with out you" one i think its called. Well Welcome Back to XG and all that Jazz. The Design Team will now be that much better
yea i am doing one of them. The "cant Live with out you" one i think its called. Well Welcome Back to XG and all that Jazz. The Design Team will now be that much better
S S SYN Jerriel Feb 10, 2009 IDK i hear some girl that i use to know was coming back to SYN and the Design Team but i have forgot her name. Could you tell me her name again?
IDK i hear some girl that i use to know was coming back to SYN and the Design Team but i have forgot her name. Could you tell me her name again?
XGC Twitty XD Sep 5, 2008 I just wanted to remind you that I LOVE YOU <3 teehee. Deal with it Mav...lol.
Mr Maverick Jet Sep 3, 2008 Sitting around waiting for you to get off work sucks, but when you do get off thats when all the fun begins lol
Sitting around waiting for you to get off work sucks, but when you do get off thats when all the fun begins lol
X X XGC Mercedes Sep 3, 2008 hello Darling just wanted to know if you can make me an Amazing Sig Cant wait for January