Rave Feb 28, 2011 okay. as you can see from the sig i just made I kind of just realized that i forgot 1 part to it lol
Rave Feb 27, 2011 Hey, I was wondering if you could send me another tut so that I can learn some more. If you could that would be great.
Hey, I was wondering if you could send me another tut so that I can learn some more. If you could that would be great.
S S SYN FyReSToRM Feb 25, 2011 I appreciate the sig, man. If you want you can just make the text 'HeLLFyRe' to keep it short.
X X XGC LawToN Feb 25, 2011 hey man i just needed help with my sig and setting this page up a lil bit
XGC CaRBoNx Feb 24, 2011 so how did you do the animated sig? i have made a few but cannot figure out what format to put them in to upload them
so how did you do the animated sig? i have made a few but cannot figure out what format to put them in to upload them
Galactus Feb 23, 2011 Which bg are you referring to? The galactus studios one we added the other day? Cause its up alrdy