XGC DayDreamer Apr 20, 2015 Hey! Not a lot you? Been crazy busy lately lol. But it's finally dying down.
N N NinjaMyButt Apr 17, 2015 Will do! I'll add you on xbox when I get home! I tend to run into a lot of younger players
S S SYN NUFalcons Apr 11, 2015 hey southphilly, sorry to inform you that i have transferred over to SYN, but i will keep you upto date if i have anyone who is on BO2
hey southphilly, sorry to inform you that i have transferred over to SYN, but i will keep you upto date if i have anyone who is on BO2
XGC HONOS Apr 10, 2015 He's trying to sneak in with a AKA ALASKAN51. AKA is a banned member. No I don't know them but, they put in join clan request to my clan.
He's trying to sneak in with a AKA ALASKAN51. AKA is a banned member. No I don't know them but, they put in join clan request to my clan.
KoG Jin Apr 9, 2015 Listening to some Kendrick Lamar and bout to download final fantasy type 0. hbu ?
X X XGC LilRed XS Apr 7, 2015 That's not a good thing... I'm not sure you had many to lose! OH!!!! SEE WHAT I DID THERE?!?! BOOOMMMMM!!!!!! Hahahahah!
That's not a good thing... I'm not sure you had many to lose! OH!!!! SEE WHAT I DID THERE?!?! BOOOMMMMM!!!!!! Hahahahah!
X X XGC LilRed XS Apr 6, 2015 BTTB FTW!!! LMAO! Was awesome hanging with you last night!! Have a great week!