KoG CATFISH Sep 15, 2016 yeah dude they have had some really nice tanks coming out in the store lately and theyve updated and added alot new maps
yeah dude they have had some really nice tanks coming out in the store lately and theyve updated and added alot new maps
KoG CATFISH Sep 15, 2016 hell yeah, sounds awesome, im always on that game, or Battlefront just hmu bro we go blow some tanks up lol
hell yeah, sounds awesome, im always on that game, or Battlefront just hmu bro we go blow some tanks up lol
KoG Exile Sep 3, 2016 Yeah bro I have. It's a 7 out of 10 in the Exile book lol. I'll be getting it though to play with the members. I'll probably be sniping a lot. Call of Duty I'm a run and gun type of guy but it's weird with Battlefield, I snipe.
Yeah bro I have. It's a 7 out of 10 in the Exile book lol. I'll be getting it though to play with the members. I'll probably be sniping a lot. Call of Duty I'm a run and gun type of guy but it's weird with Battlefield, I snipe.
Affliction VIII Sep 2, 2016 To see how it's going and see if there's still people that I used to actually be cool with are still here or not.
To see how it's going and see if there's still people that I used to actually be cool with are still here or not.
Affliction VIII Sep 2, 2016 It's going just looking around. Waiting to be banned again. What bout you