TRu KilnTyme Co Dec 14, 2008 hey cupcake, whats been going on with ya dude. get on the box and hit me up darn it!!!!!
XGC xOCMx XC Dec 10, 2008 Everything is good. You have definitely missed on Sundays. We hope to see you back soon!
SYN PLAGUE Dec 10, 2008 Planet Terror was AMAZING!!!!! If you are into Zombie films and stuff..... It was a decent movie, but I'd rather have one of Goodfellas ha ha.
Planet Terror was AMAZING!!!!! If you are into Zombie films and stuff..... It was a decent movie, but I'd rather have one of Goodfellas ha ha.
BuNiTe Dec 10, 2008 hey sexy, give me a call tomorrow will ya. need to catch u up on some things i guess. haha! also hurry up fool. i need some1 to pwn with. CHEA!!!
hey sexy, give me a call tomorrow will ya. need to catch u up on some things i guess. haha! also hurry up fool. i need some1 to pwn with. CHEA!!!