Being a gamer girl is hard.
Being a gamer girl in the best gaming community to ever be established is hard.
Being a gamer girl in a leadership role in the best gaming community ever is even harder.
Why is it that when a female leader picks another female to lead with her, she's "sexist?" However when a male picks another male to lead with him nobody, and I mean N O B O D Y, bats an eyelash!
Why is it that I'm "sexist" and there's an uproar within the ranks? People cry for justice and threaten to leave the community if things don't go their way! Guess what, dudes, your temper tantrums (that are equivalent to that of a five year old not getting the candy they want from the grocery store, might I add) get you nowhere. There's a double standard amongst the ranks and frankly it's ridiculous.
Thank you for reading.
End rant.