SYN MsTwiztid
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  • i felt i needed more practice, ive been working with different designs, different tools, and i feel ive progressed tremendously. i noticed you have no freelancer positions left lol
    Hey! Yes I'm still very interested, I was having an issue with my Photoshop for a bit but I finally got it working again and I feel like i'm having a "creative block" or something haha, i'll get posting on there today! :)
    No prob. i figured i should have you on here since your my section leader and your friends list is full : ) that way if we need to communicate for some reason we can do it through here.
    Not sure where to go to add a pic for my banner /Users/briantrishapark/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Modified/2013/May 25, 2013/FallingSky.jpg
    Hey I just posted a revised interview with BlckKnght. When you get the chance I'd appreciate it if you take a look at it and tell me what you think. This one I feel is significantly better than my first effort. There's probably some minor grammatical and/or spelling errors but for the most part I think it's pretty bueno.
    Ya it is so enjoyable to be able to help the community on a more personable level, such as design and media. Giving someone something you put your heart and soul in to.
    I heard Carnage talked to you about the CC Ref's news article. I'll have him give you an outline of what we are looking for. Please have one of the news team members put it together as a story and submit it to the front page. I also need a banner to go with it. Thanks
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