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  • Haha definitely do!!! It would keep you entertained!!! And yea PT will be really good for ya!!! Also, on the tests, are they checking to make sure your brain is still functioning correctly??? Because last I checked it's called 'pop' and girls always win...... Just saying...
    Hey man!! Your welcome, I'm here if you need anything dude. Hell yeah shoot me an invite I am getting tonight for the Midnight release :) I hate the hospital -____-
    thanks broski, things been kinda slow since I got placed within AMBUSH but trying to get back to the position I was at... so a month or so and everything will be back to normal since Ghost comes out tonight at Midnight..

    How are things with you? enjoying the life as a general?
    Can you dig it??? And that's good! Hospital rooms are so boring. I once had a patient bring his Xbox in and hook it up. Cracked me up lol they making you do physical therapy when you are discharged?
    Been praying for you man. From what your brother said it sounds like you did an incredible thing and saved multiple lives. I hope you get better and make a full recovery and i hope they catch the bastard that did this.
    Hey zones. I've been talking to I assume your brother on your phone trying to keep tabs on you. I just want you to know that we are all here for you and can't wait for you to get back here well and healthy. I am so glad that you are getting better even if its slowly. Miss you tons!
    Hey bud I saw the message your brother sent out on Xbox Live and just wanted to let you know that I will keep you in my prayers man and just think positive and stay strong! You will overcome this! STAY STRONG my friend. Once you get back man we need to game!! Hope you get better man and god bless you!!
    We do practices/scrimmages Tuesdays/Thursdays 10pm-11pm :)
    If that works for you, get your guys together, or let me know what works for you and I will get mine together!
    And not for long. You won't defeat me!!!
    Hey home fry, 2 things:
    1) You're losing.... Again..
    2) Get your guys together and let's do a friendly scrimmage sometime :)
    I don't know where they going to put me as my skills are yet to be seen I know a few people got to play with my fiancée whom is really really good at call of duty and Zombies
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