KoG Kisses Jan 3, 2014 Happy Birthday mister Zonez. I know your awaiting for that sexy message haha. Your such a great person and I hope you have an amazing birthday.
Happy Birthday mister Zonez. I know your awaiting for that sexy message haha. Your such a great person and I hope you have an amazing birthday.
KoG Exile Dec 31, 2013 Lol yeah a lot of good Casinos around there. I used to be a manager at In n Out Burger. They came to Texas in 2011 and I came with them
Lol yeah a lot of good Casinos around there. I used to be a manager at In n Out Burger. They came to Texas in 2011 and I came with them
KoG Exile Dec 31, 2013 Yeah man I miss Cali. I miss knowing where everything is at. However I love the gun laws out here in Texas. What city are you close to?
Yeah man I miss Cali. I miss knowing where everything is at. However I love the gun laws out here in Texas. What city are you close to?
KoG Exile Dec 31, 2013 How's it going man? I'm doing good. I used to live in Victorville and San Jose. You know where that is?
How's it going man? I'm doing good. I used to live in Victorville and San Jose. You know where that is?
KoG Kisses Dec 30, 2013 Well of course I will keep the good times rolling. You are really fun to talk to. Thank you for everything.
Well of course I will keep the good times rolling. You are really fun to talk to. Thank you for everything.
KoG Kisses Dec 29, 2013 I am not a butt. XD I am a nice lady thank you. Haha. Its fun talking with you the last two nights. I hope you have been having as much fun as myself
I am not a butt. XD I am a nice lady thank you. Haha. Its fun talking with you the last two nights. I hope you have been having as much fun as myself
XGC Layzie Dec 26, 2013 Hey bud. If that bum Xgc kurama is bugging ya let me know. Ill deal with him lmao
X X XGC Kurama Dec 26, 2013 hey this is XGC Kurama I am a Capt from XGC Militant and I have a possible recruit for u guys and need either a Capt or u so we can get this guy with u
hey this is XGC Kurama I am a Capt from XGC Militant and I have a possible recruit for u guys and need either a Capt or u so we can get this guy with u