X X XGC xBUSTAx May 11, 2011 makes me happy to hear XGC SECTION 8 is still up and strong! its the XI's most founded clans that will NEVER die in XG =) wish i could come back to XGC SECTION 8
makes me happy to hear XGC SECTION 8 is still up and strong! its the XI's most founded clans that will NEVER die in XG =) wish i could come back to XGC SECTION 8
XDC Dresden May 10, 2011 Hey there. I recently changed my gamertag and now I'm waiting for it to do through on the site. My new GT is XGC DresdenDoLL.
Hey there. I recently changed my gamertag and now I'm waiting for it to do through on the site. My new GT is XGC DresdenDoLL.
S S SYN Rambo Apr 29, 2011 hey thanks for staying in that post...you have alot of really good ideas for it
XGC FREAKER XD Apr 28, 2011 It was a pleasure taking the gen's class with you. I look forward to having a game with you and S8.
S S SYN Rambo Apr 28, 2011 ha sounds fun...trying to think of what else to post to get more people to post back
KoG ThirdEye Apr 26, 2011 Nahh lol just seeing I used to talk to you in the chatroom on here before you joined XG I was trying to get you in but nahh I wouldn't expect you to JW lol.
Nahh lol just seeing I used to talk to you in the chatroom on here before you joined XG I was trying to get you in but nahh I wouldn't expect you to JW lol.
X X x360a ShookONES Apr 24, 2011 I play Halo reach, CoD Mw2 And black ops so i'll shoot you a FR next time i get online
I I I WONA BURRITO Apr 24, 2011 If i get a new game its not going to be an FPS... I might get Driver San Fran or portal 2 and ill have a beta code for gears3 on the 25
If i get a new game its not going to be an FPS... I might get Driver San Fran or portal 2 and ill have a beta code for gears3 on the 25
I I I WONA BURRITO Apr 24, 2011 Sorry man i have had it with COD im not sure when im going to play it again .