C C CGE BioNexus CA Nov 9, 2010 Hey Galia i havent bugged you in forever... so i figured i'd leave you a line and maybe you'd toss me some wisdom
Hey Galia i havent bugged you in forever... so i figured i'd leave you a line and maybe you'd toss me some wisdom
X X XGC Evol Nov 2, 2010 they make me cry! and call me names and hate me!! lol no its cool i like it because its a change
X X XGC Turbo Nov 2, 2010 he said he was ur sl backin the day im going to talk to spinz when he gets on i want to talk to stleah he online right now u want me to ask him some questions i think he said his old tag was itz cloudy
he said he was ur sl backin the day im going to talk to spinz when he gets on i want to talk to stleah he online right now u want me to ask him some questions i think he said his old tag was itz cloudy
X X XGC Turbo Nov 2, 2010 he said he had some personal iss ues and stoped playing his box but he is back and whats to be come active again
he said he had some personal iss ues and stoped playing his box but he is back and whats to be come active again
X X XGC Turbo Nov 2, 2010 i have a guy who said he went inactive and u ere his sec leader i just nned some info on him he says he wants to come back
i have a guy who said he went inactive and u ere his sec leader i just nned some info on him he says he wants to come back
X X XvBigPapavX Oct 22, 2010 well thats good, its a good thing to pick something you enjoy it makes this go alot easier
X X XvBigPapavX Oct 22, 2010 yea i bet so, well good luck with that, what major u thinking about choosing?
X X XvBigPapavX Oct 21, 2010 yea i am suppose to graduate in may then going as an active duty officer in the Army, what about you?
yea i am suppose to graduate in may then going as an active duty officer in the Army, what about you?