yeaa galia im strong man dont worry bout tht i wont lose my cvool, i handle my self im stressed bout it but i can handle it i got all the up-most confidence in myself but thansk for all the advice
i got heavy life problems rite now wth moving so i havnt got my sbox n tv n bed moved over here n its hurting my clan very badly n its eating me inside to kno tht
lol wow im sorry galia buts funni how ppl say eagle takes so long to approve tags wen he's busy as hell, im soorry i sen the post below me, n e way how u been man?
its ok. i dont really have to do much with the section. herb, dtown and caution are great gens. cowboy still doesnt have internet, so chris has been filling in for him and doing a good job as the only captain. ive been real busy myself. mostly tired of working two jobs.
Herb and i were talking the other day and he couldnt believe i hadnt meet you yet so... Im Deric... KoG XLiVidiTy a LT. for Herb. Now i can tell him weve been introduced. See you around.