yea thts tru.. there wasnt this much hacks n all tht stuff on cod4.. n it doesnt really seem to bother IW either.. i remeber for WaW we got updates likes like everyweek lol
yea u wont see it.. only they can because i think it replaces the grenade slot
ex: they will hav scrambler and ninja..
i havennt seen the mini nukes yet
lol yea I know.. Just last year it was easy to go since it was right in middle of summer. This year, I had to be a grown up and stay home. I already took 2 weeks off of work for christmas and newyears, not to mention school started the week before for me. But my vacation time resets in a couple months, so Ive promised myself Im going to the 1st one no matter where it is, FL again and of course Cali since I live here