Wicked 7
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  • Wicked Fleetleader101 asked if u can do his sig with a F-22 flying over a formation of ships in particular an Aircraft Carrier? He says maybe a snapshot from AC6 can be used for it if needed. Um he asked plz that you include another fighter in the sig and his name appear in the clouds in Dark Blue. He says if this is too much he'll change it. Thanks!
    I forgot i had asked him if he'd like anything in particular so i have 2 get back to you sorry. i told him you got some skills lol so i don't think he'll mind he just has to get back 2 me & i'll get back 2 u
    Hi Wicked! : ) When u get a chance can u plz make a sig for my new friend in XGC? His name is Fleetleader101. He doesn't have a sig yet. I told him I'd ask u to hook him up lol Thanks!
    lol. oh no. My mom is pissed off cause I didnt finish my chore last night. I was hella tired so i DIDNT do it and she is like freaking out. bye.
    Its just really H0mO because In KoG we have to just sit back and take everyone's B.S. im tired of it. Thats not me. I have never been one known for just taking insults. if you want to insult me then lets do it face to face not over the internet. Some people **** me off so bad that I swear my veins are popping out and my head is smoking lol
    Yeah man Im stoked that I will be going to Syndicate. I get so freaking worked up over getting trashed talked and I am not allowed to defend myself. I want to game and Kick A** lol
    hey dude, just want to say thanks for the advice you and the design team have given me...really helping..OH and I made another sig now...go check it out...i think its my best to this day!!!! lol
    :)waz up! i need a favor,can u make my team mate a sig! a f22 raptor blue if u can, his name is- XGC CLaTiNo.appreciate if u can do it.THANX! : ]
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