Jupiter Oct 14, 2011 you either need to get that stickied or put the new meetings notes in a new post so it gets bumped to the top cuz i had to search for it
you either need to get that stickied or put the new meetings notes in a new post so it gets bumped to the top cuz i had to search for it
Jupiter Oct 7, 2011 alrighty lol working on some stuff atm ill try to do that soon. his name is sonny moore by the way
Jupiter Oct 7, 2011 what exactly are u wanting in that sig? lol. 3 lll's? and what is the creator o.o
Jupiter Sep 24, 2011 promotions normally come with being active and following rules, honor code, etc..
Jupiter Sep 24, 2011 im pretty sure snyder told me hes a sgt too. look at snyders clan list hes also listed as a sgt.
Jupiter Sep 24, 2011 no idea hes been a sgt since i joined he has an xdc name. you cant change it until ur a sgt.