hey there im interested in playing with xgc or xdc on league of legends for when im not doing much and want to meet new members on other platforms plz contact me anytime and find me on league at tannerrocks94 thanks
I truly think the requests are what drove me away lol. I love being able to take a simple theme and just going with it but when i have to add in 10 different things, it doesnt leave any room for my own touch ya know?
It was pretty whack lmao. Thanks ^.^ Im working on setting up the designs and site with faceup currently, actually enjoying design again. I was burnt out for a while there. Do you still design often? I hadnt seen you around too much before I left
For no reason actually lol.. the reason given was "you know the reason why....good riddance" lmao. All I did was leave with a friend... so really no legit reason for me to be banned -.- whatevs haha. I still have friends over here so ill check in once in a while