M M MetalMarvelx91 Dec 27, 2017 Hey thanks for the friend request, id say let's hang but I can't do any communication since I'm banned for the new few days
Hey thanks for the friend request, id say let's hang but I can't do any communication since I'm banned for the new few days
X X XGC WenTz Dec 18, 2017 Congrats again on your promotion Country I know you’ll do great things for your squad members.
X X XGC WenTz Dec 12, 2017 Hey Country, Thanks for accepting the invite. It’s been great gaming with you and everyone else. I just got destiny 2 haven’t played it but I’m sure we’ll get together soon and yes FINALLY re-installed bo3.... Thanks again we will game again soon!
Hey Country, Thanks for accepting the invite. It’s been great gaming with you and everyone else. I just got destiny 2 haven’t played it but I’m sure we’ll get together soon and yes FINALLY re-installed bo3.... Thanks again we will game again soon!