Have you been missing the Dragon (wow thats lame). I am keeping a low profile....and out of trouble......great to hear you doing good and refreshed from the vacay! The babies doing well to I am assuming?
Hope you're doing well, how's that little guy doin'? Looks like he's doing well from the picture, hope all is well in your world, See Ya soon on XBL, Take Care
Attn fellow clan mates:
Dec 24th at 09:12 my son Andy was born... weighing 7lbs 14oz at 20 1/2 inches long. He is doing very well and I am healing fairly well from the section.
Thank you all for your well wishes on xbox and have a Happy New Year from Andy, Aidan and I. Xo
WOW!! So cool!! My youngest daughter, she is 22 now, was a December 6 baby. My best advice is be SURE to do Christmas and Birthday parties separate!! When he/she is old enough to realize everyone gets a birthday party, and theirs is lumped into Christmas, you have an angry child. Yep we made that mistake, about 4 times, and she let us know... So, Congratulations!! And Merry Christmas!!
Thank you for your insightfulness and backasswardness (oh your so getting the credit for that new word or should I google it) happy holidays to you and yours. Enjoy Andy, don't choke on any popcorn. If you feel the need to game between nauseous and sugar lows or highs. Hit me up.......peace