A A aR Twist Jun 4, 2013 Hey eastside, just wanted to see of you can talk to face up about approving me for KoG Captains page. Thanks
Hey eastside, just wanted to see of you can talk to face up about approving me for KoG Captains page. Thanks
K K KoG Yfaineiv Jun 3, 2013 well i am not good with computer things or new fad things sorrrrrry east
F F FaceUp May 21, 2013 East, Judging from the unusual messages that Mufasa is leaving you on your profile, is there something that you would like to explain? Haha
East, Judging from the unusual messages that Mufasa is leaving you on your profile, is there something that you would like to explain? Haha
S S SYN PAIN1 May 20, 2013 Hey east side what's up man I graduated basic training maybe coming back to xiled kings here soon if its fine
Hey east side what's up man I graduated basic training maybe coming back to xiled kings here soon if its fine